# My Daily Drivers
The stuff has changed a lot since i wrote this. I have to updated
These are the things which is use for my day-to-day development. Starting with the Operating System, I have used Windows for nearly 6 months, in my initial days, and then switched to Ubuntu, which i have used for nearly a year.
And for 1 year, i have used Arch Linux. It is a linux distro which is most bleeding edge, in terms os kernel version, feature etc. But since then i am using Windows, mostly due to some requirements in developing desktop applications.
This is my tweet when i switched to arch linux, it was not easy.
It took me 45 minutes to just connect to wifi, I was prepared for future!. Since then it is working fine, though i have to install lots of packages, like package for fonts and many more.
This is my current neofetch
With the Kernel version 6.4.3. I don't know any linux distro will give this latest version of kernel.
Few arch linux stuff what i wrote on my github gist, which help while i was setting up is here
# Arch + i3
I use i3wm (window manager) on my Arch, as Arch does not come with its own desktop environment.
My i3wm config is here
Some image of i3 are...
# vim + vscode
I use vim (not neovim) and vscode in mix, cause either i am just editing some files or writing entire project, I that case vim + vscode suits for need. Though i need vim key bindings in vscode.
My vim config file is here
# /etc
Tmux for terminal multiplexer, Neomutt for email client, zathura for pdfs, zsh as shell, urxvt as terminal.
Config of everything above is KunalSin9h/.dotfiles